Valentine’s Day is all about love, and you don’t want to spend it alone. The very air you breathe in on Valentine is constantly begging for attention from all that messiness and romantics. It’s only fitting that someone as gorgeous as you spend the day with someone special too. But what if you haven’t met that special person yet? Not to worry, we know just how you can, in time.

Below are some magic tips to help you get that ideal date you want on Valentine. But if you’re interested in starting from dating websites, has independent reviews of the best dating sites out there. The 5 magic tips to get an ideal date on Valentine are as follows:

Know What You Want

Make a list of the things you are looking for in a partner. Separate this list into two; required and preferred. Try to make your required list shorter than the preferred list. This is because the ideal person you fantasized about is likely not to be exactly as you imagined but close. A little compromising like this can expand your dating pool.

Strike Up Conversations with Random People

Sometimes, the trick is just confidence. Start up a conversation with people you don’t know from Adam. It would be much better if they fit at least your required profile. If you’ve been eyeing a cutie in your neighbourhood for some time, he or she would be a great person to try this with.It’s definitely going to up your dating game if at all it doesn’t land you a proper date. And it might be worthwhile to practice in front of your mirror first.

Ace Your First Date

Your first date is about you getting to know your date and also your date getting to know you.He or she will observe every detail about you. From your dress, to your smile, and even how you treat the waiter. Be sure to make a good impression. A good conversation is what makes a first date juicy. We know your work is hectic but maybe you shouldn’t talk about that much. Instead, talk about things that you love to do outside of your work. Allow some little bit of romance, talk about music, wine or anything else, but those things that get you worked up.

Give That Date a Second Chance

Trying to present yourself to a total stranger can be hard. This is why even with all the preparation, a first date might still not go as desired. It’s fine if this happens, but be willing to give it another try—unless of course the first one was completely awful.

Your date is likely to let his or her guard down on a second date. You might begin to see who they really are and know whether or not they’d be perfect for you.

Your LookMatters

It’s not enough that you look good on dates; it helps to have pictures of you at other events or even at home. Pictures say a lot about you. Take a few good ones and post on your social media pages or dating sites. They will attract people that find you attractive.

There you have it, the magic tips to get you your ideal date. Happy Valentine’s Day!